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I be up in the gym just working on my fitness...

...Robert's my witness, for the most part.

It's coming up on mid-January, and that means the newly joined fitness club members are in full force. Don't quit yet! As a self proclaimed "gym rat" (not to be confused with fitness expert or obsessive gym girl), I know the frustration all the normals are going through right now with the new attendees taking up their spot, but at the end of the day they are only there to start a better life, and you can't stay mad at that! 

I love going to the gym. I'm not there everyday, but it's a great place to get away from normal day to day life and just focus on myself. I feel my best right after I've just kicked ass, but that's just me. I was basically born an athlete, so I've put together a couple of things that I think could help anyone get started!

Ready? Get 'er done!

-Start. That's the hardest part, right? Making a change and physically acting on that change instead of just talking about. It's tough, it sucks. You're going to be sore and tired. You're not going to see changes overnight and lose hope. But starting is the beginning of only being better, and before you know it you won't even remember what you were doing before. You can do it!

-Have a plan. Know what you're going to be doing before you get to the gym. If your gym offers classes, try those! It's better to go and have someone tell you exactly what to do rather then you measle around not getting it done. You don't want to be the person sitting on a machine, texting and talking while someone else who wants to be there has to wait on you. Write out your workout, or type them in your notes. Reference Pinterest boards for ideas! 

-This kind of goes with the above, but find your thing and stick to it! If a group class is your thing or want to try something new, try it at least once so you know what's going on! I promise you there are several others exactly like you going to be there. Doesn't matter your fitness level. If you're self conscious or embarrassed to go, find something to do at home-anything (including but not limited to squatting, lunging, or stretching while cooking dinner ;)). 

-Take a break when you need to and listen to your body. Treating yo self is normal to keep your sanity! If you fall off the wagon, dust yourself off and get back on! No one is perfect, and I love Oreos too much to deprive myself of the finer things in life. YOLO, right? 

-Make it a part of your routine. Once you get started and you find your nitch, stick with it, even if you have to make sacrifices. Sometimes a Dallas Stars game is going to fall on a Wednesday, which is my prime mid-week Insanity class. Or a friend you don't get to see very often is in town and wants to catch dinner. These things happen and are times you don't get back. But I wake up the next day and keep going even if it does throw my schedule off. Having a routine helps to hold you accountable, and pretty soon you'll even start to feel bad that you miss your turn at the gym (did I really just say that?!). 

If the gym isn't your thing or there isn't time, it's always about choices. Make a goal to do 30 push ups each day, or 50 sit-ups when you wake up, or run/walk 31 miles in 31 days-anything! Take a walk at lunch time or when you get home from work. Take the stairs instead of the elevator. Challenge yourself to at least start something, and build on that.  It can only get better from there, right?! 
Now go get 'em, tiger!

Of course, wouldn't be complete without a little inspiration from the Italian Stallion:

Courtesy of Pinterest.

What are some things that help motivate you? 


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