I'll be honest-this was a hard post to start. How do you put into words the feelings of seeing my baby sister graduate from the United States Military Academy and get promoted to a Lieutenant in the Army? Or seeing the formality of all of the events that we went to and only seeing a glimpse of what these kids have gone through the past 4 years at the Academy? It's pretty surreal to see my sister come full circle, from tearing her ACL in high school, which delayed her starting a year at USMA and gaining a year of experience at the USMA prep school, to finally graduating on a glorious, sunshine filled day, with our closest family right there with her!! All of the driving back and forth, the chilly mornings we had waiting, the walking from the parking lots and sore butts we all had from sitting so long were so worth it! We spent Friday morning at her Graduation Parade, where the entire corps marches out and then the "Firsties" (aka Seniors) separat...