Well here we are one year into this thing called "blogging." At first it started off as a way to keep family and friends included with my wedding planning (hence the name...), but now that that's over and done with it's been a welcome challenge to not only get out and enjoy life and do things that I think are worth documenting, but also provide a challenge for me to try new things TO document. I hope to someday be able to look back at these times and remember the who's, whats, whens, wheres, and whys, and hopefully have a good laugh about it!
My life isn't perfect, and sometimes being positive isn't my first instinct, but blogging has been a way for me to reach out of my comfort zone and instill the habit of being positive first off and looking at things a different way and to implement that in every day life. (awesome run on sentence, right?) I've also had the chance to see/know/visit other bloggers that I incorporate into my daily routine that are a positive influence, and I'm motivated by seeing them so happy in what they are writing about.
So cheers to the next year! I honestly don't know what's going to happen or have any expectations, but I'm ready to roll with it and get it going, whether you're reading this or not. This has been something for me to document and look back on, but for those who ARE and DO read (the here and there and in between my sparse updates), thanks for joining me and Happy Early Early Thanksgiving!
Thoughts of the week:
-I might have a teeny tiny crush on the new Justin Bieber. His style is too cool for me, but he is a little cutie and Sorry gets stuck in my head all the dang time. Is is too late to say sorry now?
-I thought I was ready for the cold. Boots and sweaters and scarves oh my! But in reality, today hit below 60 and I'm so not ready. Not even a little bit.
-Please take the leftover candy away. Thank you.
-We were invited by a friend to the Margarita Ball this weekend in Dallas. Any thoughts, tips, tricks, things to expect?
-I wish I had a need to drink coffee all day err day so I could enjoy it and be all warm and cozy, but I'm always perfectly fine without that caffeine so I don't get to enjoy it as much. Otherwise I'd be bouncing off the walls and shake like a 90 year old trying to put a fork to mouth, and that's no good for anyone. Queue my water bottles. Meh.
-Next week is Thanksgiving and I had no idea it snuck up that fast. Yay for 3 day weeks + 4 day weekends, seeing my sister, food, family, feasts, and a deer lease trip.
-Now I have that song Bouncing Off The Walls Again (whoa ohhh) stuck in my head because I was singing it during my coffee metaphor. One more song for the radio station!
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