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Showing posts from October, 2015

6 Months of Marriage

Wow-a full 6 months of marriage under our belts and it could not have gone any quicker! But at the same time April feels SO long ago. We got married in April? That was basically last year, right? I find myself continuing to ask myself when things occurred. So far it’s been good. Hard work-as with any relationship married or not-but could be wayyy worse. There’s a sense of “oh crap it’s really officially official now!” once it’s done, but for the most part things haven’t really been any different. I think we were smart to have already taken care of the biggie stuff (helloooo house!) beforehand, so we weren’t stressed about that or having to learn each other's, ahem, bad living habits, after it was too late. Stinky socks can be a deal breaker for some people! And with anything in life it's comes with learning lessons and knowing when to pick your battles, but at the end of the day this is the person I chose to do life with and I wouldn't change a thing!  I mayyyy still nee...

Sunrise to Sunset

Oh October, you do not disappoint. Even with quick iPhone snaps through my car window. Hard to be mad at the world when you get to drive to work each morning with an awesome sunrise accompanying you. Or enjoying late night festivities as the day is ending. Can you tell which is which? 

October? October!

It’s fall fall fall! And more importantly, it’s October! Are you tired hearing about Fall and all things associated? Probably. Am I going to stop enjoying this time and exclaiming my exhilaration? Nope. #sorrynotsorry I so wish that Texas had actual fall seasons so we can enjoy the changes, but alas, 90 degrees will do I guess. For all y’all Northerners or East Coasters (I’m talking about you, sissy!), please PLEASE enjoy all of the pumpkin patches, leaves changing colors, hayrides, and crisp golden sunsets/sunrises for me. Since I don’t have any kids or pets to enjoy this time with, I can only remember how fun it was for me when I was growing up and the things I was looking forward to this time of year before you know, real life adult world happened. Everyone thinks it’s a cliché that Fall means pumpkin spice this and fuzzy boots that, but I think they just jelly because pumpkin spice smells GOOD! And fuzzy boots are warm. And Yoga pants are comfy. And hater’s gonna hate. This is m...