Literally. Friday Fair-days. Saturday Six Flags. A summery-end to whirlwind of a birthday/first day of fall week. All of my most favorite things, all together. <3. First of all , I would like to thank everyone who took the time to wish me a happy birthday. I was pretty apprehensive going into this one, but it's not bad. Not bad at all!! Besides, age really is just a number, right? For my birthday, all I really wanted was to go back to the Bahamas. Hence my background. Secondly, hallelujah for FALL. My (middle) name sake (not Fall, but Autumn. Same diff) My jam . ME. I love the smell of the weather cooling off in the mornings. And the slight cool snips that we are getting in the breeze that is only confirming that summer is indeed, ending. I really want to organize my closet and bring all the goodie warm clothes out to the front, but I would look pretty silly trying to wear boots and a sweater when it's still 95 degrees out....