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Showing posts from September, 2015

I'm walking on (in) sunshineeee!

Literally. Friday Fair-days. Saturday Six Flags. A summery-end to whirlwind of a birthday/first day of fall week. All of my most favorite things, all together. <3.  First of all , I would like to thank everyone who took the time to wish me a happy birthday. I was pretty apprehensive going into this one, but it's not bad. Not bad at all!! Besides, age really is just a number, right?  For my birthday, all I really wanted was to go back to the Bahamas. Hence my background.  Secondly, hallelujah for FALL. My (middle) name sake (not Fall, but Autumn. Same diff) My jam . ME. I love the smell of the weather cooling off in the mornings. And the slight cool snips that we are getting in the breeze that is only confirming that summer is indeed, ending. I really want to organize my closet and bring all the goodie warm clothes out to the front, but I would look pretty silly trying to wear boots and a sweater when it's still 95 degrees out....

27 Things for 27 Years

In celebration of my turning yet another year old, it takes a lot to make up the weirdo that I am today!   1. I love looking at maps. I used to spend the whole flight looking at the back of the American Way magazine at all of the maps of the world they had there. If I've been traveling recently, I'll look up the map when I get home and just look for all the things I've seen. I don't know what it is-ever since I was a little girl I loved reading and studying maps. Maybe that's why I'm so good at directions, eh? ;) 2. I really can't stand when sharp ended object (pens, pencils, knives, the like) point me directly in the eye. It physically makes me cringe! Used to be a "fun" game at the lunch table for my friends...;)  3. If I could have any talent in the world, it would be the ability to sing and belt notes and songs out like Carrie Underwood or Christina Aguilera. Those girls can sang . 4. I love crunchy foods. There is just something so sa...

Weekends are for the Warriors, Wedding Edition!

On Labor Day, AKA the day of all days for people to be born and to be married, I had the privilege of attending and being a part of one of my great friends from high school's wedding and had the best (and warm!) time! It was a great venue, great friends and family, and it was nice to see 2 people who seem like they would be totally different (think dark, tattooed, and pierced vs. tall and fair) from the outside come together so perfectly on a night such as this.  I didn't take nearly as many pictures as I had hoped, partly because I have an iPhone and that only gets you so far, but I was also glad to have some sort of 'purpose' and helping Southern Charm DFW AKA Wonder Woman Devon make sure everything was set up and going smoothly throughout. Everything tasted yummy, the drinks down smooth, and the DJ definitely kept the party going. My favorite part perhaps was probably right at the end of the ceremony when Jason and Shohreh were walking back down the aisle and w...

Step by Step Corn Hole!

Husband + Birthday = Corn Hole Boards. UNT (to be) corn hole boards, to be exact.  Friend makes boards + Dani paints boards = Birthday Gift Tailgating + UNT = Green&White&Black What other math equations can I think of?  Step 0 : Spend time in Home Depot during lunch buying supplies only to get home and it's the wrong shade of green. #winning Step 1: Spend 2 whole lunch hours figuring out this tape situation, getting it straight and even, only to end up taking them off because painting a black stripe first is the way to go.        St ep 2A: Add in a doggy helper who was great at holding tape for me and watching the outside for strangers. Good lookin' out, Kiefy. Step 3: Move boards inside because it's too dang hot to do anything outside. Also lay down new tape, because it's fun! And let the colors begin. Step 2A + Step 3 = proceed to Step 4 Step 4: GREEN! Mean Green. Grrrr ...

Weekends are for the Warriors, Part 1

Holy Weekend! What a whirlwind of events. Birthdays and weddings and drinks all around! I am so thoroughly stuffed from delicious food that I will not be eating until at least Thursday. I mean, freshly made banana ice cream? Woo wee. Homemade cake balls? Don't mind if I do! I convinced myself that I deserved every bit of Oreo pie that I ate, because by golly it was Labor Day weekend and I normally never self indulge-plus, all the homemade food, I'm sure you couldn't resist too. But wait! Food wasn't everything (it was just a constant!).  We first made our way to Cedar Creek Lake on Friday night-and by "made" our way, I mean snail crawled for 3 hours through Dallas traffic-to spend some time with some good family friends at their lake spot. Cedar Creek was beautiful and clean and I always enjoy being out on the water regardless of which lake is beneath, but it was still nice to be out there with the sun beaming down and the wind in your hair. A picnic and ...

NT State Fair

First off-Happy Freakin September! Whaaaat?! In an attempt to actually keep up and document our shenanigans, especially for the start of my favorite part of the year, I present our annual Friday night NT State Fair-"celebrating" back to school, kick off to the start of football/fair season, good country music, better friends, and a pretty good time.  Highlights:  2 Hurradura shots of tequila, chilled and dressed at El Guapos. An epic selfie. Free koozies. Making a stop home at our old Gateway stomping grounds! This is also known as THE place that Robert and I met, became friends, and lived happily ever after-until we had to move out at the end of the summer. So many memories!  Lowlights: A hot sweaty mess of a crowd. Awful lighting for pics. No Wendy's on the way home because I forgot to stop and I was tired. Womp.  Honorable mention goes to the Saturday afternoon hang out with the in-laws followed by a small patio watch party for the rest of th...